The Power of Sitting in the Circle

img_3160Today I am reminded of the power of the circle, whether real of metaphorically. That sacred space in which we sit together and share our stories. I am reminded of how “what’s your story” can more often be more powerful than “tell me what’s wrong”, or maybe even “how can I help?, how rituals and traditions matter, and how coming into your intention of embodied listening and understanding can trump theoretical know-how. And yes, that that’s where the magic of healing begins.

It that sacred space, there is a pause to come back to what matters – grounding in our Humanness, welcoming our Being in wholeness, rather than seeing bits and pieces of external existence, much like a tick mark on a checklist, or a number on a scale.

In the circle the hierarchy of power is stripped away, and we step into our common humanity while in community.

Here I come back to Me, and nourish my spirit.

This is where power grows and lives. And when I emerge, I take with me the spirit of creation, the heart of connection, and the wonder of rebirth and awe.

I am grateful today for the opportunity to connect to this space, and to know that it can exist even across the oceans and over the internet.

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